About the Journal
World Journal of Nephrology and Urology, published in print and online, is an international journal that concentrates on basic research and clinical practice of nephrology, urology, including the internal medicine and surgical intervention fields, translational nephrology and urology. World Journal of Nephrology and Urology presents up-to-date coverage of nephrology and urology studies and clinical reports on the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment aspects. Manuscripts should present novel findings addressing significant questions in these aspects, in the form of original article, review, short communication, or case report.
Editor-in-Chief: Ramin Sam, MD, Professor, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, USA. Read more...
Takashi Shigematsu, MD, PhD, Professor, Director of Nephrology & Blood Purification Medicine, Rinku General Medical Center (RGMC), Osaka, Japan. Read more...
ISSN-print: 1927-1239 | ISSN-online: 1927-1247 | Quarterly | Open Access | Aims and Scope
Indexed and covered by: Chemical Abstract (CA); Worldcat; Google; Google Scholar; JournalTOCs; PubMed: selected citations only (NIH supported articles).
Journal archiving and digital preservation: Portico